Welcome to the Playroom at 14 Peonystreet!

This blog started in the "playroom". That's what DH calls artwork- playing. Wish I could live in the "playroom" forever.

Monday, October 18, 2021


Where Have YOU BEEN??

Stern, accusing look, from the gate guard.

Oh, only out of my mind.

Hopefully, starting today will issue a new beginning on my blog here.  It's been all Instagramming before now.  Not even much there.  A lot of lost time looking at Other Peoples' Work, photos, etc.
Has the art of writing reached a plateau in the world of blog?
My mental world is getting a little better.
So now I can share more of what I've been able to accomplish.
I like to look at pictures of other peoples' stuff, so I'm going to concentrate on posting photos mostly.
Have a nice day!



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