Welcome to the Playroom at 14 Peonystreet!

This blog started in the "playroom". That's what DH calls artwork- playing. Wish I could live in the "playroom" forever.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Have We Summered, and Are We Summering Still?

 Summering checklist:

Have we closed shop?

Did we can our peaches?

Ferry 'cross the Mersey (Wicomico)?

Sing, "Here comes the sun!"

Of course - a stop at the yarn shop!

Admired a Yellowtail butterfly?

Ooooo, we like this red!! 
Canned your tomatoes?

Were you attacked by chiggers on your birthday?, from taking a stroll in the woods?

And did you go barefoot as much as you can?

Did we walk in the chiggery woods!?  O, yes we did, we surely did!

 Did you get some pretty eggplants?

Did you eat the best Mexican food in 20 years?

We like this red!  Reminds us of the canned tomatoes.

Did you make something?
A summer coverlet made primarily from designer Sharon Holland, her Kismet range.
A small coverlet quilt finish.  No batting, just a flannel back.
Did you get your haying done, and in or sold?
Here's the rainbow again!  Did you thank Him for hope and rainbows?

 Oh, you must have gone to the carnival, right?
Did you look at the green yarns again to remind you of the cool forest?

We end with a wild mama turkey.
May she rest in peace.
Watch out for the wildlife in your own neighborhoods.  We need these animals.
Peace to you all, and may God bless you.


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