Welcome to the Playroom at 14 Peonystreet!

This blog started in the "playroom". That's what DH calls artwork- playing. Wish I could live in the "playroom" forever.

Monday, November 25, 2019

14 Peonystreet Project Bag - New!

One of my favorite words is "new".
And one of my favorite quotes is 
"Necessity is the mother of invention".
Introducing the 14 Peonystreet Project Bag!
I've been doing LOTS of knitting in the last year, due to 
my world being turned upside down.  
I looked at a lot of patterns for bags, but I'm hardly ever satisfied with someone else's design.  So I made my own.  It has a fabric divider on the inside, to hold two balls of yarn, for knitting brioche patterns or socks.
Finished it yesterday, taking residence on my knitting chair today!
Isn't she cute??!
Here's the sock I'm working on.  It's the Fluorite Sock by Andrea Mowry of Drea Renee Knits.  I'm using a self striping/varigated sock yarn, instead of the fade technique.
It's a toe up pattern.  The sock is reversed (inside out) when finished.  I already have a taker when it's finished, but they're going to have to wait til Christmas!
This is on a rainy day, here on the farm.  It's only snowed frosting once about a month ago, so far.  It's technically not winter yet.  
It's been an entirely too long year, very tiring.
Hope yours has been better than mine.
Take care, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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