Welcome to the Playroom at 14 Peonystreet!

This blog started in the "playroom". That's what DH calls artwork- playing. Wish I could live in the "playroom" forever.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving - Letters from the Past and Today

Letters from the Past
Dear Sarah:
You must think that I have forgotten you but
I am heartsick every time I think of owing you a letter. 
Am working just as hard as ever.  Work til seven every night and eat my supper at 8 '0'clock. 
 This is not very much time for any thing. 
Heard Claus and Mollie were out to see you. 
 They certainly don't bother any of us. 
 Never called on Irene yet or me. 
We have the phone they could easyle ring us up and let us know they would come. 
 It's hard to be poor and be looked down on
but they nednt be ashamed to call on Irene.  That's a cinch. 
Will surely write you later.  Best wishes to both of you from your loving sister,
Letters from Today:
Dear Friends:
I pray you are all well and are able to celebrate the day will some good food and friends.
I pray all the little children in your care,
and even the ones
who have no one,
are blessed today.
I pray all the ones who are lonely,
old and young,
find a blessing in their heart,
a sign of hope
from the ONE who gives us
all the Great Hope.
I wish you Peace


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